About Us

What's our play?

Table for 2 is devoted to spreading board game fun far and wide. We bring you reviews, reveal game-winning strategies, unearth those hidden gems, and create a community of people who find themselves intrigued to play new games. 

Table for Two began as a quest by Yvette and Armand to uncover the games that shine brightest when it's just the two of you playing. Fast forward to today, and we've blossomed into your resource from newcomers to seasoned veterans. We provide in-depth game reviews, where we discuss gameplay, mechanics, strategy, replayability, and, of course, the overall enjoyment of playing. Whether you're just stepping into this awesome hobby or you've been gaming for a while, we've got your back! We want to see people that take up the hobby find something new.

Yvette & Armand

Our mission is building a community that's as diverse as it is informative. We're talking with industry experts, letting us in on everything from design and development to marketing – and we might even sneak in a chat about upcoming conventions. Let's make this space the ultimate hub, no matter where you are on your journey!


Here’s what to expect:

  • Assorted video content
  • Board game reviews
  • Access to gaming events and other resources
  • Interviews with industry experts
  • Community interaction

Board game FANATICS 

Who are The Elusive Bigfoot and Onezie??

Yvette Lee - Elusive Bigfoot

Elusive Bigfoot

Yvette is also affectionately referred to as the “Elusive Bigfoot" due to her penchant for avoiding cameras. Her journey back into gaming began in 2012, and it's fate when she crossed paths with the mystical "Onezie." Elusive Bigfoot started her path of gaming wisdom with demos of Steve Jackson Games at conventions and local gaming stores. When the COVID 19 pandemic arose, she had an idea: why not share daily gaming reviews by Table for Two on social media? (Seriously, who knew how long the shut-down could last a year!) She loves co-op games, and she's constantly looking for fresh adventures. Favorites include Villainous, Court of the Dead, Decorum, and The Crew. And here's a challenge: if you ever manage to catch a glimpse of this Elusive Bigfoot, invite her to join your game. She’ll definitely challenge you and possibly make you a better player. She knows how to have fun!


Armand, also known as Onezie, returned to the hobby in 2009 with a local board game group in San Diego.  In 2012, after meeting Elusive Bigfoot, they became Table for 2, focusing  on games made for 2 players and games that play well for 2 players.  Onezie enjoys mid-strategy, co-op, and deck building games.  Favorite games include: Tiny Epic Galaxies, Splendor, Quacks of Quedlinberg, Century Spice Road, and Targi.  He also enjoys games that have multiple ways to win or multiple areas of the board on which to play.  He is always willing to have fun learning new games.

Armand - Onezie